Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Dazzling your mind

Needless to say, this is a new blog/website which will also be affiliated with a You Tube Channel and Podcast.

It is somewhat ironic, that as a Theologian/Pastor/Psychologist, I have never really attempted a true Theological On-line website with the exception of a few Church Websites I maintained as a pastor.

Unlike those sites, this will be more about enjoyment as well as information. One thing for certain, if you're looking for a traditional Bible Study, you won't find it here; although I do hope you experience some new biblical and theological truths along the way.

It is my intent to make this website and associated podcast different. Of course, "That's what they all say" but this site will be as much about trying to be historically and factually accurate as it is scripturally.

The goal is to make us think, search and ultimately learn great truths which are in many cases right before our eyes yet to much a degree deeply hidden due to tradition and personal or historical prejudice.

In the days ahead it is my personal desire that your belief will be strengthened, your faith enhanced and your mind absolutely dazzled by the knowledge you gain.

Ultimately, it is my goal that this website will help each of us  "Untangle the Word of Truth".

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